Sunday, December 30, 2012

Egg Face Mask

So Pinterest said to break an egg and seperate it. Then, use a warm wash cloth to open the pores on your face. After that, spread white egg yolk all over it and wait for it to dry. Using a damp cloth, rub the white stuff off of your face and spread yellow yolk all over. Then wash it off. Well, here it is. 

I used a bowl, a washcloth, and...

an egg!

Then I seperated the egg whites from the yolk

And put the white in a bowl but you can't really see it. 

Anyways, I dampened my face...

And spread the goo on. 

Then I waited for it to dry and it was sorta hard to wipe off.

So I gave up and put yolk on my face. It felt kind of gross. Although it looks like I'm licking it off my face, I assure you I am not. 

Duck face! On the bright side, I received some nice lip gloss for Christmas.

And it's a good thing I have face wash! Even though it's the same color as the goo on my face. 

I think I'm going to stick to the coconut oil and sugar. Coconut oil is seriously the best thing that happened to me this year. You can do anything with it. I recommend you get some! 
But I don't recommend you do this egg mask thing. 
It's kinda gross.

Did I even nail it? 
I don't know. 
I guess so.


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