Saturday, December 1, 2012

DIY: Sugar Scrub

What Pinterest Showed Me
Organic Sugar Scrub Tips ♥ * Always exfoliate before shaving to prevent irritation and achieve a better shave. * You may add more olive oil to your jar after packing if you desire a different consistency. * Oil will settle in the jar so stir before using. * I do not recommend using this scrub on your face. It is intended for use on the body only
Delicious Scrub Recipe * 1 cup organic cane sugar * 1/3 cup celtic sea salt * 1/2 cup organic coconut oil * 2-3 tablespoons almond oil * 1 tablespoon vitamin e * Lavender Essential Oil *

                       What I Did:                        

(Note: I basically disregarded everything Pinterest told me, because I can never get it right when I try doing what it tells me.)

Okay so this is what I did. It's really simple. I promise (:

 Ingredients: Some good 'ole Pure Cane Sugar and Coconut Oil (That'd be the white stuff in the mason jar) 

Place 1/2 tablespoon of Coconut Oil in a microwave safe bowl. Trust me when I say you do not need a whole cup like Pinterest tells you to use. 

I'm sure you saw this coming. Microwave the oil for about 10 seconds to soften it up a bit.

Eh, it's sorta melted. Good enough!

Now it's time to add 1 tablespoon of sugar! 
(Note: If you plan to use a lot of this scrub for large areas of the body, remember for whatever amount of oil you use, you want to double the amount of sugar)

I did exactly what it told me not to do. I put it on my face. 
I couldn't stop eating it either. It tastes so good!

I rubbed the scrub on my face for the same amount of time that I would wash my face for which is about a minute or so. Then I rinsed.

At this point, I was getting kind of worried. Those are water droplets on my face. My face felt really oily. 

Once I rinsed a little bit more, and wiped my face off, my skin was a little red. Which, of course, this is expected since I was just rubbing rough sugar granules on my face. 
I also had more than enough sugar scrub.

My face ended up feeling super soft.
Now I know what a baby's butt feels like.

I can't wait to try this on my legs before I shave. My face feels seriously great. 
I guess I'll find out in a few days if I break out from the scrub.

For the first time since I started this blog, I...


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