Friday, July 5, 2013

DIY Lace Capris!

What Pinterest showed me

compared to....

What I did

I found a pair of Jeans and, although you can't see, marked off right below the knee where I wanted to cut. You should leave about two inches of mistake space. Remember, you can always take off but you can never put on! 

 Then, obviously, I cut the pants. With the help of some small hands of course!

 I knew my nail file would come in handy! I used it to file a hole into my jeans


 I now have a hole up under the right pocket and on the knee on the left side

 Looks alright so far!

 Cut a piece of lace just a tad bigger than the hole and turn the pants inside out...

 Here come's the "fun" part that took 3 hours because I cannot sew for the life of me!! 

There's what it looks like on the inside!

 And on the outside. not too bad! 

 I couldn't find a ruler so I used a book to made a triangle along the side of my pants.


 Here's another view of it. That's a hammer on the left. It's there for no reason whatsoever. I promise. 

 Gotta file the edges after you cut 'em so they look good! 

 I used a paper clip to hold the rolled fabric at the bottom in place.

Time to sow on the big piece of lace!! 

Thank God you can't see the thread! I swear!! 

The hardest part was trying not to make the triangle too big. I used the piece of cut denim to use as a reference. 

A few hours later annnnnnnnnd.....

I'm not sure yet if I'd wear them in public but I think it's a pretty nice attempt on my part! 

I've been transforming a lot of jeans lately. This is definitely a pair that I'd wear in public. And just in time for the 4th of July weekend!! 

I soooo.....


Monday, July 1, 2013

Fancy Water-Bottle Vase Thing

This one is kind of self explanatory...

What Pinterest showed me

compared to...

What I did

Well okay here's a plastic water bottle

Cutting the top off....


Slicing it up...


Doing that weird thing with the plastic...

And a little while later...
There we go! 


It's raining today so no flower picking for me :(


Friday, June 28, 2013

T-Shirt Headbands

Summer's back! And that means more Pinterest projects!! Recently, I was cutting the sleeves off of my t-shirts and turning them into workout shirts when I got the brilliant idea to turn my sleeves into headbands. So, once again, I turned to Pinterest. 

What Pinterest showed me

compared to....

What I did

Okay, so I completely skipped steps 1-4
I started off with a shirt sleeve

Then I cut it along the seam...


Alright, so you need 5 strips of fabric
I left about an inch on the fabric so the strips were still attached
It's a big help if you can hold the fabric down with something such as a keyboard as seen in the figure below

I had an extra. I just cut it off. 

Then I just followed steps 5-12 repeatedly until I had this....

To tie it off, I choose one end of a strip and knotted the other strips around it. 

Then I took the selected strip and tied it to the other end of the headband.
I also trimmed the ends of the other strips of fabric

I'm definitely going to make more of these. Maybe using different colored fabric. 


Friday, January 18, 2013

Egg Face Follow-Up

Okay so this is the first follow-up I've done for a project because the results were that bad. My previous post was about an egg mask that I found on Pinterest and well, it totally screwed with my face. A few weeks later and this is what happened:

Okay, I guess stress might be a factor to some of this atrocity happening on my face. However, I doubt that egg did my face any justice. And it's worse than it looks in the picture above. Trust me. Oh well, it's FOR SCIENCE!! Nah I'm just kidding. It's for my own amusement. 

But on a lighter note: 

You can always make use of anything at some point. I kept this metal ring for forever because I knew I'd find use for it someday. I don't even know where it came from and while I didn't find this on Pinterest, I thought this was a clever idea. I just hung all my belts and scarves from it. It's way better than the curtain of scarves I had going on on the lower bunk of my bunk bed.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

Egg Face Mask

So Pinterest said to break an egg and seperate it. Then, use a warm wash cloth to open the pores on your face. After that, spread white egg yolk all over it and wait for it to dry. Using a damp cloth, rub the white stuff off of your face and spread yellow yolk all over. Then wash it off. Well, here it is. 

I used a bowl, a washcloth, and...

an egg!

Then I seperated the egg whites from the yolk

And put the white in a bowl but you can't really see it. 

Anyways, I dampened my face...

And spread the goo on. 

Then I waited for it to dry and it was sorta hard to wipe off.

So I gave up and put yolk on my face. It felt kind of gross. Although it looks like I'm licking it off my face, I assure you I am not. 

Duck face! On the bright side, I received some nice lip gloss for Christmas.

And it's a good thing I have face wash! Even though it's the same color as the goo on my face. 

I think I'm going to stick to the coconut oil and sugar. Coconut oil is seriously the best thing that happened to me this year. You can do anything with it. I recommend you get some! 
But I don't recommend you do this egg mask thing. 
It's kinda gross.

Did I even nail it? 
I don't know. 
I guess so.