Friday, June 28, 2013

T-Shirt Headbands

Summer's back! And that means more Pinterest projects!! Recently, I was cutting the sleeves off of my t-shirts and turning them into workout shirts when I got the brilliant idea to turn my sleeves into headbands. So, once again, I turned to Pinterest. 

What Pinterest showed me

compared to....

What I did

Okay, so I completely skipped steps 1-4
I started off with a shirt sleeve

Then I cut it along the seam...


Alright, so you need 5 strips of fabric
I left about an inch on the fabric so the strips were still attached
It's a big help if you can hold the fabric down with something such as a keyboard as seen in the figure below

I had an extra. I just cut it off. 

Then I just followed steps 5-12 repeatedly until I had this....

To tie it off, I choose one end of a strip and knotted the other strips around it. 

Then I took the selected strip and tied it to the other end of the headband.
I also trimmed the ends of the other strips of fabric

I'm definitely going to make more of these. Maybe using different colored fabric. 


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