Friday, July 5, 2013

DIY Lace Capris!

What Pinterest showed me

compared to....

What I did

I found a pair of Jeans and, although you can't see, marked off right below the knee where I wanted to cut. You should leave about two inches of mistake space. Remember, you can always take off but you can never put on! 

 Then, obviously, I cut the pants. With the help of some small hands of course!

 I knew my nail file would come in handy! I used it to file a hole into my jeans


 I now have a hole up under the right pocket and on the knee on the left side

 Looks alright so far!

 Cut a piece of lace just a tad bigger than the hole and turn the pants inside out...

 Here come's the "fun" part that took 3 hours because I cannot sew for the life of me!! 

There's what it looks like on the inside!

 And on the outside. not too bad! 

 I couldn't find a ruler so I used a book to made a triangle along the side of my pants.


 Here's another view of it. That's a hammer on the left. It's there for no reason whatsoever. I promise. 

 Gotta file the edges after you cut 'em so they look good! 

 I used a paper clip to hold the rolled fabric at the bottom in place.

Time to sow on the big piece of lace!! 

Thank God you can't see the thread! I swear!! 

The hardest part was trying not to make the triangle too big. I used the piece of cut denim to use as a reference. 

A few hours later annnnnnnnnd.....

I'm not sure yet if I'd wear them in public but I think it's a pretty nice attempt on my part! 

I've been transforming a lot of jeans lately. This is definitely a pair that I'd wear in public. And just in time for the 4th of July weekend!! 

I soooo.....


Monday, July 1, 2013

Fancy Water-Bottle Vase Thing

This one is kind of self explanatory...

What Pinterest showed me

compared to...

What I did

Well okay here's a plastic water bottle

Cutting the top off....


Slicing it up...


Doing that weird thing with the plastic...

And a little while later...
There we go! 


It's raining today so no flower picking for me :(