Friday, January 18, 2013

Egg Face Follow-Up

Okay so this is the first follow-up I've done for a project because the results were that bad. My previous post was about an egg mask that I found on Pinterest and well, it totally screwed with my face. A few weeks later and this is what happened:

Okay, I guess stress might be a factor to some of this atrocity happening on my face. However, I doubt that egg did my face any justice. And it's worse than it looks in the picture above. Trust me. Oh well, it's FOR SCIENCE!! Nah I'm just kidding. It's for my own amusement. 

But on a lighter note: 

You can always make use of anything at some point. I kept this metal ring for forever because I knew I'd find use for it someday. I don't even know where it came from and while I didn't find this on Pinterest, I thought this was a clever idea. I just hung all my belts and scarves from it. It's way better than the curtain of scarves I had going on on the lower bunk of my bunk bed.