Thursday, September 27, 2012

Headband Curls

                                             What Pinterest showed me

                                                    ...Compared to...

                                                         What I did

Your hair should be damp for this. I washed my hair so it was soaked. 
Comb it through so it's knot free

Normally, you're supposed to use a thin elastic headband. I used a bigger sized headband instead. Place it on your head as shown in the picture below

Now grab a section of hair and twist! 

Here's the tricky part. Take the same section of hair you just twisted and wrap it around the headband. 

Eventually, you're going to end up with something looking like this. Although it looks like I missed a small piece. 
Now it's time to sleep! 

Approx. 6 hours later and....
Good morning beautiful!! 

Carefully start to unwrap your hair. Do you see that black thing kind of hanging by my right cheek? That's the headband that was knotted in my hair. It wasn't fun at all. 

I ended up with this. It was half curled, half straight. Not really what I was hoping for. 

I wore my hair up that day